Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Write On: There Should Be An App for That

Previously on Write On: Research! 

When I was finished rooting around Ye Olde Internet, I had a list of nearly 80 agents. If you’re thinking, “That’s too many agents,” it’s only because that’s too many agents.

I've made a list, now I'm checking it twice.
The next step was to take a closer look at the agents on my list and prioritize them. So every evening, I’d crack open my list and go out to each agency’s site and read. I’d read about the agency, read about all of the agents at that agency, and read the submission guidelines. If there were more than one agents I thought were a good fit, I’d give each agent their own listing. If there were tips for submissions or query letters, I’d note them. If there was a blog, I’d bookmark it. I’d capture all of that info for my list and when I was done, I’d give each agent a color-coded priority. 

I just finished, ending with a list that has been whittled down to 69 strong. It’s been… time-consuming. A lot of what made this so time-consuming is that I was completely winging it. 

(Hey, just because I’m blogging about this doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing. Sorry if that blind-sided you. I thought I made the fact that I’m bumbling through the whole process pretty clear.)

So while I was doing deep dives into agency websites, looking for key words and green lights, at the end of the day a lot of my assessment was gut reaction. I’d ask myself such vague and un-quantifiable questions as “Does this agent feel right?” and “Do I like this company’s vibe?” Yes, I know how ridiculous this all sounds. I mean, “vibe”? Seriously?

Well, yeah. An agent isn’t a means to an end – he or she helps the author develop and chart their writing career, so you all need to be on the same page. This is probably why the whole experience began to feel what I imagine dipping a toe into online dating is like. Hell, I’m surprised there isn’t an app for this yet.

Swipe right to query!

And just like with dating, you really should know yourself before you put yourself out there. I might not have gone about researching agents in the most efficient or effective way, but it did force me to figure out once and for all what it is exactly I’ve been working on the past year and a half. 

We’ll talk more “categorically” next week.

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